

New OCCIDENT Website

Having sharpened our investor profile and revised our communi­cation, we get to the point: OCCIDENT – The Science Investor.

Crisis Needs Courage

As 2023 draws to a close, we would like to briefly reflect on what has kept us busy over the past 12 months.

Third OCCIDENT Pitch Event in Munich

We co-hosted our pitch event together with TGFS Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen and Univations/bmp Ventures with the intention to build bridges to tackle tomorrow’s challenges together.

International Women’s Day

Female founders successfully build and lead startups, and diversity brings countless advantages – but in fact there are still far too few female founders.

Thanks Co:operaid

As a venture capital investor, OCCIDENT is an enabler – our motivation is to empower visions and support the creation of great things.