
Thanks Co:operaid

As a venture capital investor, OCCIDENT is an enabler – our motivation is to empower visions and support the creation of great things. What the founders of our portfolio companies have in common is that they inspire others and make a positive contribution to society.

The opportunities to do this are similar around the world, but the circumstances are sometimes very different. We are there­fore delighted to have been funding educational scholarships for disadvantaged young people in Laos, Cambodia and Bangladesh for 8 years now, so that these particular talents can receive higher education and in turn change the lives of their families and their communities for the better.

Through OCCIDENT’s long-term commitment, 33 higher education courses have been completed to date to become lawyers, doctors, nurses, accountants and farmers, with 13 more to be added in the current year. The goal for 2023 is to actively support a total of 53 students and include Kenya to the program.

Many thanks to Marcel, Rashid and the entire Co:operaid team for their tireless efforts and for making this wonderful scholarship program possible!

More about Co:operaid

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OCCIDENT’s End-of-Year Message

As Science Investor, we build bridges of various kinds, over­coming challenges and bridging differences, thus connecting different worlds and perspectives.