Investing on the Edge of Science
The OCCIDENT Way of Investing

We are passionate about visionary founders who have the potential to change the future. As a venture capital investor, we are a financially strong, long-term and versa­tile partner. Our aim with each and every one of our invest­ments is to make a posi­tive contri­bution to society in a sustain­able way.

Investment Criteria

We invest in technological innovations

Our investment focus is on inno­vative deep tech start-ups in the life sciences and industrial tech sectors in Germany, Switzer­land and beyond.

We love extraordinary people

We are looking for founders who are a good fit for us; highly motivated to achieve ambitious goals and change the future.

We think entrepreneurially

We understand entre­preneur­ship and know that you need experienced and trust­worthy partners to build a sustain­able business.

We accompany you in the long-term

For an initial investment, we focus on Seed and Series A. We are also happy to support our portfolio companies in follow-up rounds.

We recognize your potential

We understand the funding needs of deep tech spin-offs; our initial invest­ments start at 500,000 to 1,000,000.

We value intellectual property

For us, strong intellectual property and a well-conceived patent strategy are essential for financing a start-up.

Investment Areas

Life Sciences

For us, this area includes Biotech, Pharma, Diagnostics, MedTech and HealthTech, as well as Veterinary Medicine, Chemistry, FoodTech and Industrial Biotech.

Industrial Tech

By this we mean Manu­factu­ring, ClimateTech, Robotics, IIoT and Semi­con­ductor, but also Photonics, Optics, New Materials, New Space and Quantum Technologies.

Have you developed an innovative technology that you want
to bring to the people?

Creating the Future Together

Take the step from scientific research to entre­preneur­ship: We are your partner for success

We specifically look for start-ups with techno­logical inno­vations and visionary founders, who are seeking for investors for the first time.

Together with the founding team, we lay the foundation for the long-term financial viability of a start-up and ensure that founders remain motivated in the long term.

In this endeavor, we support our founders with professional know-how, experience, team spirit and enthusiasm for key issues in the future.

By acting intelligently, with fore­sight and in partner­ship at eye level, we succeed together in bringing the added value of a techno­logy to the people and develo­ping your start-up into a success­ful company.

As a holistic partner for financing and building a company, our experts from science and industry accom­pany you through this process with passion and commit­ment for a sustainable success.

We do it the OCCIDENT Way.

Want to learn more about OCCIDENT?

The OCCIDENT Way of Investing

The OCCIDENT Way of Investing

Investing with a long-term perspective

Our focus does not extend merely to the next round of financing, but also to the concrete benefits for patients and customers.

We understand your vision and your goals

We are passionate about the techno­logy you have devel­oped and will work intensively on your business plan.

Fairness in action

A good deal is always a fair deal for all parties involved.

We solve tomorrow’s problems today

We identify potential problems at an early stage, share our extensive experience and support you with quick decisions.

We unlock potential

We challenge and mentor you and see ourselves as “enablers”. In doing so, we provide support in a spirit of partnership based on our diverse competencies.


Co-operation with the founding teams of our portfolio companies motivates and inspires us every day. We are energized by their passion and drive, and the often very intense exchange spurs us on to tackle challenges together.

Portfolio News

The Science Investor.


As an early-stage deep tech investor, most of our port­folio compa­nies are spin-offs from uni­ver­sities or research insti­tutions. To further expand our colla­boration with leading uni­ver­sities and research insti­tutions, we have launched our OCCIDENT@ACADEMIA program to actively support young academic start-ups on their entre­preneurial journey. Below is a sample of some of our partners.