
New OCCIDENT Website

At OCCIDENT, we are curious and fascinated by techno­logical innovations and are passionate about visionary founders who have the potential to change the future. Over ten years ago, we started investing in Switzer­land and later also in Germany, establishing valuable relation­ships with universities and research institutions in these two countries to invest in their spin-offs.

Therefore, we considered it necessary to sharpen our investor profile and revise our communi­cation over the last months, resulting in “OCCIDENT – The Science Investor”. This is a reference to our strong focus on deep tech start-ups and science-oriented founding teams.

Check out our new website, which has been specially designed for founders and potential new team members, as well as for all who want to get to know more about OCCIDENT. Check out our new funnels to submit your pitch deck or job application via our new website!

We look forward to welcoming many interested visitors to our new website – and hope that we have gotten to the point.

Many thanks to our amazing partners rocketjung, especially Bastian. You have realized all our ideas, we are really impressed by the result!

Moments to Remember: 4th OCCIDENT Pitch Event in Munich Overview Follow-on invest­­­­ment in hemotune
Want to learn more about OCCIDENT?



OCCIDENT’s End-of-Year Message

As Science Investor, we build bridges of various kinds, over­coming challenges and bridging differences, thus connecting different worlds and perspectives.