
When change happens, chances appear

The year 2022 has once again brought us many changes in various areas, has shown us that nothing can be taken for granted and that we must constantly adapt to new realities.

At the same time, we were strengthened in our values and in our investment philosophy to invest courageously and visionarily in topics that change all of our lives for the better. Many thanks to all for the enriching and positive cooperation!

Both venture capital investors, and especially startup founders, are skilled at adapting to new situations and dealing with uncertainty. So we can all be quite optimistic about the future, and at the same time learn from the past that changes always offer opportunities which we can use together and bring to success.

We wish you a peaceful, inspiring Christmas season and hope to live in a more peaceful and free world again in the future and experience more unity and togetherness. Let us work together to make 2023 a year full of new chances!

Thanks Co:operaid Overview Follow-up Investment in Resistell
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