
What a year for core sensing!

Within one year since our closing in 2022 with OCCIDENT as lead investor, core sensing can show impressive successes.

In addition to the strong increase in customer interest, a continu­ously growing team and the resulting new premises, it is particularly pleasing that core sensing is driving digitalization in mechanical engineering and already offers more than half of its projects as cloud solutions.

In September 2023, all success milestones were reached, a powerful advisory board was implemented, and the new premises were occupied. core sensing now operates in state-of-the-art development and manufacturing facilities on 1,500m2 in Darmstadt. At the housewarming party, the employees cele­brated together with shareholders, business partners and families.

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OCCIDENT’s End-of-Year Message

As Science Investor, we build bridges of various kinds, over­coming challenges and bridging differences, thus connecting different worlds and perspectives.