
Current Portfolio

Application Security Testing Powered by AI

Code Intelligence enables software security testing through inno­vative fuzzing already in the develop­ment phase. Using CI Fuzz, vulner­­abilities can be detected earlier and fully automatically, so that developers can analyze bugs faster and fix them at the code base. CI Fuzz thus drastically improves software stability and reliability.

Smart Workplaces powered by Eye Control

4tiitoo develops a framework for Natural User Interfaces (NUIA), which can be used in all appli­cations and which allows controlling the computer using eyes, gestures and speech. As a result, work­places can be designed more productively and employees can accomplish their tasks more efficiently, safely and with fewer ergonomic restrictions.

Digitalizing the Music Industry

iMusician provides copyright services to musicians around the world. The company monetizes copyrights, organizes digital distri­bution, handles license fees and also offers mastering of tracks for tens of thousands of musicians.

Successful Exits

Software Platform for the Pharmaceutical Industry

cunesoft developed an innovative software platform for the pharma­ceutical industry’s regulatory processes, which leads to more efficient processes and thus to easier and faster drug approval. In early 2020, the company exited to Phlexglobal, a leading provider of technologies and services in the clinical and regulatory area.

Cloud-based Image Recognition Solutions

kooaba developed an augmented reality technology platform for image recognition on mobile devices. By enriching it with additional information about the identified object, an exciting combination of the physical world with digital content is created. In 2014, kooaba was acquired by Qualcomm, one of the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturers and suppliers of products for mobile communications.

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