
OCCIDENT’s End-of-Year Message

We as the OCCIDENT Team have already spent the year reflecting on what is really important to us, what really matters to us, what our values are, what drives us every day.

To better express our vision, we rebranded and sharpened our message. In doing so, it was essential for us to remain true to our values and communicate what we have always been, what has always characterised and driven us: We are OCCIDENT – The Science Investor.

With OCCIDENT as science investor, founders build bridges from science to entrepreneurship, from their vision to reality, from initial motivation to sustainable success. We are financially strong and close the financial gap, we are competent and act as a sparring partner for our founders, we are experienced and act as an enabler for success. We are motivated by connecting different worlds and perspectives, bridging differences and overcoming challenges to close gaps.

Bridges are not built alone, success can only be achieved together – so we would like to thank all our valued partners, co-investors and founders for the cooperation in 2024. Thank you for allowing us to live our values and share our motivation together!

We wish you a peaceful holiday season, relaxing days before the New Year and look forward to continuing our cooperation and strong partnership in 2025.

Let’s close the gap together!

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OCCIDENT’s End-of-Year Message

As Science Investor, we build bridges of various kinds, over­coming challenges and bridging differences, thus connecting different worlds and perspectives.